Rolly Fordham

Pic of Rolly Fordham


Rolly is endlessly curious and is fascinated by how systems (any collection of people, processes, and things) fit together. Unsurprisingly, he also digs Systems Thinking as an approach to problem solving.

He has spent a lot of time working in distributed systems, automation, and data storage. This has naturally led to a distrust of OSes, the differing definitions of reliable, time and, well, everything really. Don't get a distributed systems engineer started on the topic of time unless you want to lose an entire afternoon. You could say his focus is reliable systems and scale.

Rolly has been a Stoic since he was a teenager, finding this the most pragmatic philosophy for daily life generally and engineering specifically. He is enthusiastic about both Yoga and Power Lifting, with the hope he can combine them to allow him to lift very heavy things with poise and more than a little daintiness.

He's still working on the daintiness.

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Hello World!

In which we introduce ourselves, and what we're about, without excessive ranting.

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